Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Peter Saville vs Stefan Sagmeister

Best known for his record covers of the 70s and 80s (in particular for Joy Division and New Order) Peter Saville has come to acclaim for his applications of typography. His use of little to no imagery and simplified text often let typography do the speaking, yet they still differed from that of information based design. Although he had developed a strong interest in punk graphics, he also took inspiration from Jan Tschichold’s New Typography, based on principles of modernist typography. This movement of typography began in the early 20th century, favouring rational and functional principles and embracing man made machinery.

Stefan Sagmeister is a contemporary graphic designer and typographer who Paola Antonelli deemed “The Johnny Depp of the design world.” His designs are innovative and push boundaries to great extents, often employing wit and dark and bizarre concepts. In a technology dominant world, while digital is an aid, Sagmeister still utilises his hands and much of his work highly depicts a deeply handcrafted and artistic feel. Stylistically this is a strong contrast to Saville.



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