Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 8

Hi Guys,

Great first class back. After discussion today here is the list of potential names for our issue on letterpress:

1. Apply Some Pressure

2. The Press Club

3. The Raging Box (Not sure about this one)

4. Drop the Pressure

5. Press Start

6. The Pressing Issue

Write a post with your favorite title and the one with the most likes we will go with.

Housekeeping: For those that missed today’s class, you missed an important one. Please read the brief and make sure you know what needs to be done for class next week. It is very important you come to tutorials and read the online lectures. This is a group project and we need to work as a group. And as per Ian last post, your rapid prototype files need to be done for next week class.

Thanks, Lauren


  1. I was looking through the options and suddenly one jumped out at me. It was a euphoric feeling. Like I had an epiphany and lifes problems were seemingly all solved. Raging Box, the only way forward for me.

    My vote is for Raging Box

  2. Pressing issue, or pressing issues
