Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fantastic effort this week on the 3D Printing files

They have been trickling in over the past week or so but this morning there has been a flood of emails with 3D files attached from the group. This is continuing so it looks as though everyone is on track. Thanks very much for making the effort to get them into my inbox in time for tomorrow's meeting in the Printery to sort it all out. I'll advise of the outcome of the meeting tomorrow so we are all on the same page (so to speak)...

I've also noted the interesting posts and discussion around last week's Studio Research and the collaborative effort that's starting to emerge in the new project. The details of the activities are in the course outline and briefs and also at the end of each lecture - the more you engage the better the assessment outcome. The titles for the new project look good...mmmm - "The Pressing Issue" sounds interesting - but hey - it's totally up to the group to decide. Maybe some more brainstorming is in order.

This week's lecture which is essentially about contextual issues in typography is posted. It focusses on the innovations of a selection of designers in the field to make a case for the importance of cultural and cntual awareness when we work with typography. Further to this however, I have decided to augment last week's lecture on Visual Hierarchy with another text I've developed that focusses on Grids more intently. The grid is an important (read as essential) consideration in regard to the coherent structuring of not only the current project but in all publishing work. This lecture will also assist you in the studio tasks this week so do check it out.

There is also a third lecture available which has previously featured in the course on book design. Feel free to access it here should you be so inclined. I think it is a valuable read.

The studio and self dircted work for this week (as outlined in the course documents) is as follows:

Discussion Point: Select two innovative typographic designers - one pre-digital (1984), the other contemporary. Provide a brief comparative analysis of their contributions to typographic practice supported by relevant examples of their work. Post your response to the Studio Blog.
Studio: Feedback and selection of appropriate grid systems for the group to adopt in the development of the Project 2 publication; Group roles allocated: identify and allocate tasks and processes for production of the publication in print and screen versions, including a Project Manager/Publisher.
Self-directed: [SR2]: Each pair/team to select an appropriate grid system to develop and identify and develop content according to the possibilities indicated in the brief.

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