Monday, July 25, 2011

Welcome to Week 2 of Semester 2 :)

Hi everyone, I hope the first week of the semester has been kind to you.

It's great to see we are up and running with some keen people posting stuff on the blog before the deadline. Oliver's piece on the typeface DIN is right on the mark in terms of what we are looking for. Well done for going first too Oliver! It's often daunting makng that first post.

There are some other really cool posts as well - all type related - I am stoked to see see you keen enough about type to make these additional contributions. Thanks.

Don't Forget!

Those 2 Studio Research tasks were:

Studio Research Task 1 (SR1):
due week 2 9:00 Wed July 27

Select a typeface (eg: Helvetica) or a type-style (eg: Neo-Grotesque) on which you will focus in project 1. Collect a specimen for the type and write a 500 - word critique of its design. This written appraisal will include description of design features (for instance serifs, stroke weight, counters, proportion, suited applications), its classification, and information on its historical background and designer. Include a relevant reference list. Post to the class blog.

SR2: due week 2 9:00 Wed July 27
Provide a series of 4 design proposals for your letterpress booklet design, with consideration on the size and dimension, ready to be composed in printing types. These may be produced as measured drawings, or digital estimations.

Just a thought...

Glasgow Press worked with graphic designer Kerr Vernon to produce a promotional pack of music-themed cards which showcase letterpress printing in all its tactile glory...

Like the letterpress based design above? Then wander over to the Blog at Creative Review. It's a great resource of inspiration generally but there are some nice examples of Letterpress in there as well. Finally, I was thinking about the current Letterpress project and was reminded of my interest and love of type as an illustrative element. Digging around online you can find heaps of great examples...

Fiodor Sumkin  over at does this really well...

Enjoy your time in the studio this week!

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