Well if you have got this far you realise we are going to be doing some blogging in the course Advance Typography and Publication Design. One of the key reasons for this is that (as I am sure you already realise) social media such as Facebook, twitter, You Tube and Blogger have taken over the web as major forces within what was once the traditional publishing industry. It is very beneficial for you to begin to (if you haven't already) begin to engage with the world of publishing as shaped by social media.
You are going to have plenty of opportunities to do this during the course. After each of the online lectures you will find a STUDIO RESEARCH TASK (SR) that asks you to carry out research and respond either here on the blog or in the real world in some way. Each of you will be made an author capable of making posts. Of course this blog is only for our course so other people (not in the class) will not be able to post to it.
The goal is to make your elective as rich, engaging and as interactive as possible. Using a blog is also a fine way to get you thinking about the implications of this kind of technology in the context of publishing.
Get started by going to ABOUT THIS COURSE and reading the Course Outline and the Design Briefs. In week 1 There is also the first of our online lectures located in LECTURES. Please rember to do the tasks at the end of the lecture which are due 24:00 Tuesday Tuesday 26 (WEEK 2). There will be more online lectures later in the course beginning WEEK 6 but until then you will be foccussed on learning about and using Letterpress techniques in the studio.
So welcome aboard and we hope you enjoy the ride. We can't say it won't have some bumps but we will do our best to make it as interesting as possible.
If you are having troubles with any aspect of the course email me at
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